Tuesday, November 3, 2020

1933 - SON OF KONG, the follow up to the original King Kong.

 File this under the "what the hell were they thinking?" department.  Well obviously they were thinking that they could squeeze a little more money out of King Kong.  

The production team is basically made up of the same bunch he filmed King Kong.  They even cast Robert Armstrong and had him play his original character of producer Carl Denham. But everything is played for laughs this time.  Denham is being sued by about every person in New York City where Kong went on his rampage.  He meets up with Captain Englehorn also played by the same actor Frank Reicher.  Off they go back to Skull Island in search of buried treasure.  Naturally they run into King Kong Jr.  Little Kong rolls his eyes and acts pretty damn goofy throughout the small amount of time he is on the screen.

Well anyway the film is mercifully short it runs 69 minutes.  The animation is decent for the most part. The film is no classic but it is relatively harmless and short.

The screenplay was by Ruth Rose who contributed to the original King Kong.

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