Sunday, November 29, 2020

1952 - BEND OF THE RIVER, 2nd in the Anthony Mann James Stewart western series

Within the restrictions of a typical western film plot, this is a good tough film from Anthony Mann and James Stewart.  Anthony Mann liked his actors out in real locations, he felt it contributed to the overall feeling of the film.

Stewart abandoned at lot of his usual acting ticks and played an actual tough guy for a change. Arthur Kennedy was a good foil as Stewart's friend/foe.

A good western however you cut it.  Mann was an underrated director but when it came to staging scenes on location he was the equal to John Ford and John Sturges.

Borden Chase an expert in writing interesting westerns was the screenwriter on this film.  The photography on location at Mount Hood and the Columbia River is a real plus.  The film runs a brisk 91 minutes.


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