Monday, November 9, 2020

1951 - OPERATION PACIFIC, a typical John Wayne war movie

 It's World War II, we are in the Pacific theater of action and big John Wayne is commandeering a submarine and taking on the Japanese navy when he's not rescuing nuns and orphans off of some Pacific Ocean island.

Wayne's love interest is Patrica Neal one of the few female performers who could stand up to him on screen.  Ward Bond, Wayne's drinking buddy has a big part and movie buff favorite Jack Pennick is the crew chief.  

 This film is pretty standard war movie stuff but Wayne as usual seems to be able to pull this kind of story off.  It is sort of entertaining in a crazy way.

George Waggner directed and wrote the screenplay.  Waggner also directed the nutty Pentagon anti commie film Red Nightmare.  But make no mistake Duke was the guy in charge on this film.

111 minutes.

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