Wednesday, November 11, 2020

2003 - BAD BOYS II, it's another Michael Bay film

Will Smith and Martin Lawrence are the stars in a sequel to Bad Boys a film that probably nobody wanted or needed to have a sequel .  But the real star of this movie is the director Michael Bay.  

Bay indulges himself with over the top action scenes in let's face it a story that absolutely no one could ever care about.  Smith and Lawrence are Miami cops trying to stop a big drug gang.  But they really are just a couple of pawns in Bay's action chessboard of a film.

At 147 minutes this crime/action stuff is probably way to long for it's own good.  But if you're in the mood for Bay's brand of film making, well there are worse ways to waste your time.
The so called screenplay was by Ron Shelton and Jerry Stab.

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