Thursday, November 19, 2020

1957 - FORTY GUNS, crazy Sam Fuller Western

 Barbara Stanwyck is Jessica Drummond the owner of a large ranch and the ruling power in the county. She has a gang (harem?) of 40 riders who zip around on their horses scaring the crap out of everyone.  Stanwyck also has a worthless brother who's a drunk and a coward and not adverse to a little back shooting so you know he's gonna be trouble.

Into this setup comes Barry Sullivan and 2 of his brothers playing thinly disguised versions of Wyatt Earp and his brothers.  Let the gun play and perverse situations begin after all this is a Sam Fuller film.

Fuller never met a weird camera crane shot or closeup he didn't like.  He got his director of photography Joseph Biroc a cameraman who would go on to be associated with Robert Aldrich to enable him in his passion for at times outrageous photography.

Is the movie any good?  Beats me. But it's certainly flamboyant as only Sam Fuller can do.  Fuller wrote the screenplay. The film runs a brisk 80 minutes.

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