Thursday, February 10, 2022

1963 - SUNDAY IN NEW YORK, dated but very likable sex comedy.

 Jane Fonda said this was the film where she finally learned to enjoy the film making experience and it shows.  Fonda is extremely likeable as the sophisticated virgin holding off the advances of a boyfriend while falling in love with a stranger she meets on the bus in New York City.

The film is rather dated in it's attitudes about relationships, but the cast and the screenplay by Hollywood veteran Norman Krasna know how to find the right touch in what could have been a rather stupid romantic comedy.


In addition to Fonda the film has a fun cast.  Manly Rod Taylor, Cliff Robertson as Fonda's brother and Robert Culp as the boyfriend all seem to be having a good time. The film has lots of footage of early 1960's New York City which is also fun to watch.


Sunday in New York has lots of amusing and old fashioned talk about the relationships between men and women.  Norman Krasna was an old hand at this kind of film which was soon to go the way of the dinosaur.

The running time is 105 minuutes

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