Tuesday, December 29, 2020

PICKUP ON SOUTH STREET - Fuller's Commie bashing spy story

Richard Widmark is pickpocket Skip McCoy who picks the purse of prostitute Jean Peters playing a character named Candy.  Little does Skip know, that Candy is also a courier for a Communist spy ring trying to smuggle a piece of microfilm out of the country.  With the help of Moe a snitch for the police the chase is on with the cops and the commies in hot pursuit of Skip.

And so starts another Sam Fuller film where everyone talks tough and Fuller's idea of a love scene is to have Skip punch Candy out and knock her into unconsciousness.

Widmark has played this kind of very tough guy many times but the fact is he is very good at it.  Peters who at times was a sensitive actress is also pretty good as the hooker, Candy.  But probably the best performance in the film is veteran character actress Thelma Ritter as the ultimately tragic stool pigeon, Moe.   

The film is filled with the usual flamboyant camera angles and it zips along at a quick 80 minutes.

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