Tuesday, December 29, 2020

1957 - THE MYSTERIANS, Toho's science fiction battle epic.

Toho's first color science fiction film shot in a widescreen process called TohoScope.  The film is about an invasion by aliens from a destroyed planet called Mysteroid.  Earth Defense Forces primarily led by the Japanese battle to keep these aliens from kidnapping and mating with our women.

This is very colorful stuff to put it mildly. Special effects are the real star.  It features Eiji Tsuburaya's models and lots of work with the optical printer creating laser rays and lighting bolts to put it mildly.


Ishiro Honda, a reliable director of these types of movies was in charge of assembling this film.  

Takeshi Kimura wrote the screenplay. The rousing music score was by Akira Ifukube.  The film runs about 90 minutes.

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