Saturday, October 3, 2020

2003 - THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN a real piece of crap.

The film that drove Sean Connery into retirement.  This is one pile of garbage trying to call itself an action movie.  The film draws from Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill's graphic novel.  The graphic novel (comic book) in turn used about every famous Victorian character that the authors could think of.

Allan Quatermain, Captain Nemo, Mina Harker (from Dracula), Dorian Gray, Tom Sawyer, Dr. Jekyll and Professor Moriarty. 

I've read the comic book and I can report that his film didn't use any of the material from that source.  Instead what we have is a hodgepodge of CGI action scenes that are more to be endured than enjoyed.

110 minutes, written by James Dale Robinson but I'll bet there were a lot of hands in the cookie jar in this film.

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