Saturday, October 3, 2020

1967 - FESTIVAL, a very good concert film.

Much to my surprise or lack of knowledge or just plain avoidance of anything that has to do with folk music this turned our to be a very good documentary on the Newport Folk Music festival.








This a film that completely escaped my notice.  Filmed over a three year period Festival captures an era as they like to say is now gone.  A lot of musical acts are included but the film does a good job with not wearing out it's welcome and runs just a little over 90 minutes.

Along with the usual big name acts like Peter, Paul and Mary, Joan Baez and Bob Dylan are a number of interesting groups which I with my lack of knowledge of this genre have never heard of but enjoyed none the less.

My favorite moment in the film is an interview with Joan Baez saying how much she likes her fans but wishes they would bath a little more often.

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