Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2009 - KNOWING, interesting but flawed drama/science fiction film.

Knowing is kind of a cross between the Left Behind series and the book Childhood's End .  You have to give the filmmakers some credit for going there with a story that I can't believe would have had much popular appeal to the general public.  In fact it's surprising the film even got made.

Nicholas Cage is an astronomy professor of something who has unlocked a coded message that predicts when disasters are about to happen.  Cage is an actor who is pretty much ridiculed these days for his rather larger than life performances and there is some of that in this film.  Still, he doesn't really disgrace or do harm to the story.

The director Alex Proyas is good at staging the disaster sequences and he has definitely gotten the creepy vibe down for the film.  However with this film you have to overlook a lot of plot holes and some serious issues with plausibility that run throughout. 

I am kind of surprised this film wasn't embraced more by the fundamentalist Christian core.  The film feeds into their beliefs about the Book of Revelations, and there are references to the Bible that run throughout the film.

121 minutes.

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