Saturday, January 28, 2012

1994 - BOTTLE ROCKET, Wes Anderson short film

Bottle Rocket is Wes Anderson's really low key comedy about a couple of small time thieves.  It's also the first film for Anderson and like Spielberg's Amblin' it defines his style for all of his subsequent films.

It's either interesting or depressing to see a director continue to make films in the same style as his first short film.  Everyone knows what a Bergman, Hitchcock, Fellini or Welles film looks like, but these were guys who had years to develop their craft, Anderson has been  rigidly locked into a very formalized style since this first film.

Anderson's made some good films, but he reached his peak of artistic indulgence with The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, a film so inside and indulgent nobody knew what to make of it.  It also flopped at the box office.

This short film has it good points and bad points, some funny if very quirky humor and an overall utter pointlessness.

13 minutes, written by Owen Wilson and Wes Anderson.

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