Sunday, October 9, 2011

1974 - THREE THE HARD WAY, blaxploitation action film

Mostly non stop 70's action film with three iconic actors, Jim Brown as a record producer with a big gun,  Fred Williamson as a bad "mo fo" toking on cigars and karate guy Jim Kelly.

The film was directed somewhat unevenly by Gordon Parks Jr.  The plot is about a rich white racist played by Jay Robinson who was Caligula in The Robe and Dr. Shrinker in the Sid and Marty Kroft Saturday morning series Dr. Shrinker.  Robinson has a large army of white guys in red berets at his disposal, but even with hundreds of guys he can't stop Brown, Williamson and Kelly. 

The stunts were staged by Hal Needman who was a veteran stunt arranger and director.  Needham is usually remembered for the redneck classic Smokey and the Bandit.  He was an expert at crashing cars and setting people on fire both of which are featured in this film

The film has enough odd ball things to keep it a little more interesting than the usual blaxploitation stuff.  There is a torture scene with three topless women, nonstop action and lots of guys with really wide lapels.

89 minutes.

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