Wednesday, October 26, 2011

1967 - TOBRUK old fashioned war film.

"Come on guys, we gotta sneak behind enemy lines and blow up Rommel's fuel dump at Tobruk, but watch out there is a traitor in our group."

The cast of Tobruk is the usual dependable bunch of mid 60's actors.  Rock Hudson is the reluctant volunteer who leads the team of British soldiers on their secret mission.  George Peppard is the German Jew who helps him.  Nigel Green plays Nigel Green.

Tobruk was photographed in the Spanish desert by Russell Harlan, who usually worked with Howard Hawks.  It's a good looking film.  The director was Arthur Hiller who seems like an odd choice for a war film  Hiller is known for films like Love Story or The In-Laws.

The film is probably remembered if it needs to be remembered at all,  for it's large scale action scenes which are very impressive.  Lots of stuff blows up.

Tobruk is the parent of that bastard child of a film Raid on Rommel, which starred Richard Burton.  Raid on Rommel "borrowed" the action sequences from this film for that film.

107 minutes, written by Leo Gordon

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