Friday, October 29, 2021

1989 - THE BURBS, an underated Joe Dante film.

Dante's funny black comedy about life in the suburbs has seen it's reputation grow since it was originally released.  Tom Hanks is the everyman character Ray Peterson who along with his neighbors Art Weingartner and Lt. Mark Rumsfield are spying on their very creepy new neighbors, the Klopeks.

Dante put together a great cast staring with Tom Hanks who has never been a slouch in the comedy department.  Bruce Dern is his right wing nut neighbor and Richard Ducommun is his just plain nuts neighbor.  Throw in Dante's usual stock company which consists of Corey Feldman, Dick Miller and Robert Picardo.  I also have to mention Gale Gordon, Henry Gibson, Wendy Schaal, Rance Howard and Carrie Fischer.  It's just a fun cast.


This film is one of Dante's most underrated films.  For once he isn't dealing with Gremlins or Warner Brother's cartoon characters. Dante allows his sense of humor to shine through dealing with real people for a change.  It's still somewhat of a cartoon like atmosphere but at least it's a little more real world identifiable before the craziness sets in.


The film was written by Dana Olson and runs 101 minutes.

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