Wednesday, March 3, 2021

2014 - THE TAKING OF TIGER MOUNTAIN - good Chinese action film

 Hong Kong filmmaker Tsui Hark's take on the battle between the People's Libertation Army (PLA) of China and a Chinese warlord played by an almost unrecognizable Tony Leung Ka-fai.  The warlord has been terrorizing the local population from a fortress located in a place called Tiger Mountain.

The film has a lot of thrilling action set pieces as only Tsui Hark can deliver and at times was clearly filmed during the winter which must have been a very miserable experience for the actors.

Tsui Hark is good a delivering action scenes and if there is a complaint it's that the movie runs 141 minutes which is a little on the long side.

The film was written by Tsui Hark, Wu Bing, Dong Zhe, Lin Chi-an and Li Yang.

Action filmmaking at it's best.

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