Thursday, September 3, 2020

1974, ISLAND AT THE TOP OF THE WORLD, an old fashioned adventure film.

 An attempt by the Disney studio to make the same kind of old fashioned adventure film they had success with in the past.  The film kind of suffers from a rather low energy cast.  However the film does have some fine special effects.  The story involves a father's search for his missing son in the Arctic.  The search involves using a rather cool looking airship called the Hyperion.  The searchers stumble on to a lost Viking civilization and the last part of the film turns into an extended chase.

The selling point here are the now old fashioned special effects using matte paintings, models and optical printing.  All of this is pretty well executed by the Disney special effects department.  

The film is actually kind of enjoyable, the pace of the film is lively and some thought has been put into staging some good action scenes without spilling a lot of blood.

This is definitely from the "they don't make them like this anymore" school of film making.  Lots of Disney veterans in the production crew.

Written by John Whedon.  Robert Stevenson one of Disney's better directors was behind the camera.

93 minutes.

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