Sunday, May 20, 2012

1988 - WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT, still looks pretty good.

An almost 25 year old film, technically this film still looks very impressive.  Who Framed Roger Rabbit has very good period detail and is a very well made film.

The integration of the cartoon characters with the live actors reached a new level of technical achievement with the camera actually moving around instead of the usual locked down single angle setup which had been the standard practice.  The actors were carefully cast, this was not a star vehicle the cartoon characters were the stars.

If the story isn't exactly falling down funny it is clever and stays very true to 40's cartoon conventions and cliches, (pianos being dropped on people, characters running into walls etc). 

Although this was a Walt Disney production, animator Richard Williams was hired by the producer Steven Spielberg.  Williams despised the Disney corporation and refused to work at the studio so the animation was done in England. 

104 minutes.

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