Friday, December 2, 2011

2007 - SHOOT EM UP , an excessive action/comedy

If you can get behind the incredible amount of gunfire and mayhem inflicted on the cast and ultimately the viewer you can kind of enjoy the sick sense of humor that runs throughout this film.

Clive Owen is Mr. Smith some sort of former special opps agent.  Monica Belluci struggling throughout the film with the English language, is a constantly lactating prostitute.  They are attempting to protect a baby from Paul Giamatti a hit man in charge a small army of killers trying to murder the baby.

Giamatti really seems to be enjoying himself playing a character completely different from his usual film roles in drama like John Adams, Sideways and Cinderella Man and he gets to shoot a lot of guns.

Besides the constant gunfire and bodies piling up everywhere, Shoot Em Up features a number of Rube Goldberg type of gizmo's (that involve guns naturally) that wouldn't be out of place in a Road Runner cartoon if the cartoon involved a high body count.

The shooting scenes are staged like one of those domino chain reaction courses where one guy is shot which starts a chain reaction of an entire bunch of guys being shot and falling down in a row behind him.

It's hard to know exactly who this film was made for.  You wouldn't dare show this to your wife or kids. and the underlying jokey content probably wouldn't appeal to the Rambo crowd.

86 minutes, written by Michael Davis.

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