Friday, August 18, 2023

1974 - SUPER STOOGES VS THE WONDER WOMEN, look at the title

 Back to the silly movie posts.  With a title like Super Stooges vs the Wonder Women the viewer should instantly be aware that this is a comedy.  This Italian film made in association with Hong Kong studio Shaw Brothers is in the best tradition of silly, make that very silly action comedies.  How the Italians and the Shaw Brothers got teamed up to make this film is probably a story in itself. 

The Super Stooges are three goofballs with some special fighting abilities, Marc Hannibal is Moog who is a real strong guy, people break furniture over his head and he walks through walls without suffering any kind of injury. Yueh Hua is Chung who for some reason is wandering around rural Italy.  He's a martial arts expert.  Finally we have Aldo Canti who is a character named Dharma II, he's good at jumping off mountains and doing back flips he wears a mask for some reason.


These three guys team up to take on a tribe of Amazons who are terrorizing the local villages.  Needless to say the women all dress in short skirts or two piece fighting outfits.  There's much fighting and the musical score has lots of funny noises to emphasize the goofiness of the whole film.  I will say that the film moves along but it seems awfully silly even for this genre.


The movie is directed by Alfonso Brescia. Some of his previous credits include, Battle of the Amazons, Cosmos: War of the Planets, Battle of the Stars and War of the Robots, well you get the picture.  This can basically be watched while you are cruising the internet on your cell phone or something like that.  In the end the whole thing is probably just a footnote in the world of silly action comedies.

Written by Alfonso Brescia and Aldo Crudo, the running time is 94 minutes.

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