Thursday, June 1, 2023

1970 - Gas-s-s-s, Roger Corman's final film for American Internation Pictures.

Not going to spend a lot of time on this one.  Gas-s-s-s was the final film Corman made for American International Pictures (AIP).   Corman was unhappy with AIP after they cut several scenes which he felt were important to the film.  From the looks of what's left Corman did not direct some masterpiece.  The film is an unfunny mess of situations and characters.

The basic premise is interesting enough, a gas from a government laboratory has escaped and his killed everyone over 25.  This leaves a bunch of kids in charge of the country and probably the world.  the film could have been a jumping off point for some pointed satire about the state of the country but the so called comedy scenes never seem to work.  

The film has a Corman in-joke with the appearance of a character who is apparently Edgar Allen Poe on a motorcycle, a call back to Corman's Poe films for AIP.  That's about as clever as the film gets.  Roger  Corman has spent a lot of time trying to explain why the film failed, (studio interference, to intellectual, the black humor that runs throughout the film) but the reality is the film just never worked.

Written by George Armitage, the running time is 79 minutes

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