Saturday, April 22, 2023

1994 - PULP FICTION, still very entertaining

I probably haven't seen since Pulp Fiction since it was first released around Christmas time in 1994.  That was back when after spending the Holidays with your family you were desperate to get away from them for a couple of hours by running out to a movie.

Pulp Fiction was Tarantino's follow up to Reservoir Dogs a film which got him attention from the critics and the audience.  Pulp Fiction really cemented his reputation as the preeminent maker of cool guy films.  In spite of a few slow moments the film still holds up and is still incredibly entertaining.

Tarantino put together an impressive cast anyway you cut it.  Samuel Jackson is great as the philosophy spouting killer.  John Travolta's career was revitalized with this film.  Uma Thurman went on to work with Tarantino in Kill Bill Vol's 1 & 2.  Harvey Keitel, Christopher Walken, Tim Roth and Amanda Plummer all contribute amusing bits to this film.  It's kind of like the actors sensed they had good roles for a change and really ran with the parts when they showed up in film.


The film had a unique structure like chapters in a book,  Tarantino boldly jumped back and forth in time something audiences never really saw in a mainstream film. I enjoyed revisiting this film again.


The running time is 154 minutes, the screenplay was by Tarantino with a story assist from Roger Avery.

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