Monday, December 19, 2022

1980 - RAISE THE TITANIC, like the title says.

A big expensive film based on the Clive Cussler book.  Raise The Titanic was also a big failure with critics and the audience.  However this film is a "guilty pleasure" for me.  The logistics of actually raising a sinking ship like the Titanic are fascinating.  The extensive model and miniature work is at a very high level and at times it looks like they actually sailed the Titanic into New York harbor.

The cast is a mixture of excellent film actors like Jason Robards, Richard Jordan and Alec Guiness and lots of television actors such as J. D. Cannon, Bo Brudin and Dirk Blocker.  This is rather unsurprising since the film was directed by Jerry Jameson a filmmaker who usually worked in TV on just about every cop show that ran from the 1960's to the 2000's. Jameson was brought into the project as a replacement for the original director Stanley Kramer.


Also in the film is Anne Archer in the very thankless role as the romantic lead, you could have completely cut her scenes and it would not have affected the film in any way

The film has an outstanding score by John Barry and along with the special effects may be the best thing about the film.

The film was written by Adam Kennedy, the running time is 114 minutes.

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