Friday, August 19, 2022

1974 - THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT, B movie time

Everything about this film just screams B - movie.  To begin with the film is based on a story by Edgar Rice Burroughs, who had brought the world Tarzan.

The cast is headlined by American actor Doug McClure a mainstay mostly on television in particular the TV western The Virginian.  Because it is this kind of a film  there always has to be a girl, Susan Penhaligon is the lucky actor.  The rest of the cast is made up of journeymen British actors affecting German accents.


This film has one crazy story line.  During World War I a German U-Boat sinks a British merchant ship,  The survivors of the ship manage to somehow take over the U-Boat and they attempt to sail to a neutral seaport.  Instead they get lost and end up on a continent called Caprona which is full of dinosaurs, volcanoes and cavemen.


Well there's lots of fighting and running away from dinosaurs.  The dinosaurs are some sort of special effects using some kind of puppetry, they look kind of cheesy.  To cut to the chase, this film is what it is an adventure film for 12 year boys who like lots of fighting and dinosaurs.

Written by MIchael Moorcock and James Cawthorn, running time 91 minutes.

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