Sunday, December 12, 2021

1965 - MASQUERADE - entertaining comedy thriller

Entertaining comedy thriller from Basil Dearden.  Cliff Robertson and Jack Hawkins are pressed into service by the British Government to save a young Arab prince from being assassinated.  It seems the British need the oil rights in the prince's country to keep their own economy running.  

Lots of crosses and double crosses, some decent action, location filming in Spain.  This is an entertaining film that knows not to take itself very seriously.  The film also features the one of the stars of Danger: Diabolik,  Marisia Mell who is very easy on the eyes.

Since Cliff Robertson was hired on as one of the leads, writer William Goldman was called in to rework his dialog.  Probably Goldman had a lot to do with the comedic bits in the film.

Written by William Goldman and producer Michael Relph, the running time is 102 minutes

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