Monday, August 23, 2021

1957 - SWEET SMELLL OF SUCCESS - a classic film.

 A film classic directed by former Ealing studios director Alexander Mackendrick. The film was a commercial failure probably because of all the unlikable character in it particularity the ones played by Tony Curtis and Burt Lancaster.  Audiences weren't used to seeing such nastiness on the screen.

Burt Lancaster is J.J. Hunsecker a columnist based on Walter Winchell a legendary gossip columnist.

The film was shot on location in NYC by the legendary Warner Brother's cameraman James Wong Howe.

Tony Curtis is the manipulative press agent Sidney Falco not above pimping his girlfriend Rita out played by Barbara Nichols.

Among a great cast is a personal favorite Emile Meyer as corrupt cop Harry Kello.

The film was written by Clifford Odets and Ernest Lehman, it runs 96 minutes.

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