Tuesday, June 1, 2021

1960 -SEVEN THIEVES, a good heist film.

The big selling point in this film were Joan Collin's sexy striptease dance numbers.  There's actually only two of them but they are pretty hot.  Once you get past this you get a pretty good crime caper film.

Edward G. Robinson is the mastermind behind the robbery of a casino in France.  Rod Steiger is his right hand.  Joan Collins, Eli Wallach and the rest of his assembled group are the remaining thieves which gets you up to the number 7.  The film was well made by tough guy director Henry Hathaway and the script is by a good crime writer Sydney Boehm who wrote the classic The Big Heat.


The acting is uniformly excellent and it's very unusual to see Rod Steiger as the romantic leading man.

102 minutes.

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