Friday, May 21, 2021

1972 - THE HEARTBREAK KID, is a comedy of supreme discomfort.

Charles Grodin plays a man who decides it's time to get married.  He hooks up with a woman and after the marriage ceremony heads down to Florida for their honeymoon.  On the drive down he decides that the woman he married is really annoying the crap out of him. He runs into a beautiful blonde played by Cybill Shepherd probably at the peak of her beauty.  He begins to formulate a plan to dump his new wife and hook up with the Cybill Shepherd character instead.


This film has some big time comedy talent behind the camera.  Elaine May is the director and Neil Simon wrote the screenplay.  Simon gets sole screenplay credit, but I find it had to believe that May didn't have considerable input into the story.


The film is a real showcase for Charles Grodin's talent as an actor.

Running time, 106 minutes.

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