Sunday, January 31, 2021

1944 - TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT, Bogie meets Baby.

To Have and Have Not was clearly made to capitalize on another wartime romance, Casablanca, Howard Hawks teamed up 19 year old Lauren Bacall with 45 year Humphrey Bogart.  As they say the romantic sparks practically flew off the screen.


In a lot of ways this is almost a plot-less film.  Hawk's interest seemed to be mostly devoted to having his two leads take smart with each other throughout the film.  The result is a highly entertaining love story.

 I guess it doesn't need to be repeated that Bacall and Bogart married in real life.  The film is generally considered a high point in Hawk's career and is an excellent example of quality 1940's film making.

The screenplay was by old Hollywood pro Jules Furthman and William Faulkner of all people.  The film runs 100 minutes.

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