Thursday, September 10, 2020

1974 - THREE THE HARD WAY, pretty good blaxploitation picture

Three The Hard Way will never get confused with Persona, however this is a very entertaining blaxploitation picture which is a lot better than it has any right to be.

The film is about three bad ass dudes played by Jim Brown, Fred Williamson and kung fu guy Jim Kelly stopping a plan to kill every black person in American with some kind of drug that will be poured into the water supplies of major American cities.  The leader of this scheme is Jay Robinson who played Caligula in The Robe so in a way it's kind of type casting.

Lots of action, cars blow up a lot, and a lot of white guys get shot or beat up.  They were asking for it.

89 minutes.  Written by Eric Bercovici and Jerrold L. Ludwig. 

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