Friday, August 28, 2020

1939 - THE FOUR FEATHERS. there will always be an imperalist England

Almost a dry run for Lawrence of Arabia. This large scale and big budget film is impressive for the on location photography and battle scenes filmed in the Sudan in Technicolor.  This is a considerable achievement, the early Technicolor cameras were huge and weren't actually film friendly when it came to moving these monsters around on dollies and cranes.

The is a very old fashioned adventure.  The story was probably a little dated when it was filmed but the basic situation of an ex soldier having to prove he isn't a coward is rather interesting.

The film was directed by Zoltan Korda and produced by his brother Alexander Korda. This family practically invented the British film industry.  The film looks good in another well done Criterion presentation.


Written by R. C. Sheriff, Lajos Biro and Arthur Wimperis.

Running time 130 minutes.

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