Monday, February 29, 2016

2005: XXX: STATE OF THE UNION - Spy vs Spy stuff

Stuck in the house on a cold Saturday night with nothing to do, I found this piece of action movie trash.  This is the kind of film where you sit slumped in a chair watching one hyper action scene after another roll by in a plot that I would call a poor man's version of 7 Days in May.


Anyway, Ice Cube is some former hot shot soldier stuck in a federal prison for a crime he didn't commit.  At least I think it was a crime he didn't commit, I wasn't paying attention to closely.  Well Ice Cube is broken out of prison by the head of the NSA played by Samuel Jackson in a variation of a role he has played many times before.  It seems that evil William Dafoe who is a General or the Secretary of Defense is planning on staging a coup to overthrow the government.  Like Jackson, Dafoe has played variations on this type of role as well.

Plot, characterization and dialog in this kind of a movie really means nothing.  This is an action show from the first scene to the last.  Never mind if the scenes make any sense or are a part of the plot, they are just in the movie as a sort of violent low grade pornography.  I can sit slumped in my chair and be sort of entertained but not exactly stimulated or excited

What XXX: State of the Union comes down to is another cookie cutter action film not well made but not poorly made either.   I've seen this movie many times and I will probably spend the rest of my life watching this stuff.

101 minutes, written by Simon Kinberg.

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