Saturday, December 24, 2011

2011 - THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN is the on going decline of Steven Spielberg

Another disappointment from Steven Spielberg who seems to be further spiraling down the hole of artistic nothingness from film to film.

The Adventures of Tintin has nothing to do with Herge or Tintin.  Gone are the clever plots and comic book humor of the colorful books.  Instead what we have here is just another Indiana Jones film (and a crummy one at that) with characters that just happened to be named Tintin and Captain Haddock.

If you look at Spielberg's list of films, since the failure of 1941, he has been playing it safe with completely middle brow entertainments.  With the exception of Schindler's List  would anyone really consider The Terminal or Catch Me If You Can as films that contribute to the greater artistic culture?

Even when Spielberg reaches a little higher in films like Saving Private Ryan, A.I. and Minority Report, his middle brow taste and sensibilities defeat his ambitions.

Spielberg knows how to make a movie.  He knows where to place the camera and make the edit but if you look at his technique he's still shooting films the same way he made Amblin',  slick but empty entertainments.

Spielberg with  Peter Jackson

The Adventures of Tintin is particularly annoying because Spielberg has smothered it in weird camera angles, ADD action scenes and wrapped it all in overblown computer enhanced backgrounds.

It's as if he is afraid to tell a story for fear of seeming like an old fogy who can't compete with the hyperactive Michael Bay and Zack Snyder director types.

107 minutes, written by Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish.

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