Sunday, November 13, 2011

2011 - MELANCHOLIA, probably shouldn't be viewed while taking antidepressants.

This is one of those end of the world as viewed from the personal relationships of a family with lots of screwed up emotional issues films.

Part one features the wedding reception of Kirsten Dunst which establishes her relationships with her family and friends.  As the unsteady cam roams around the party, we come to realize that this is one messed up bride with an equally messed up family.  It all ends with Dunst's marriage collapsing before the reception ends

Part two picks up the story and focuses on American actor Dunst's sister played by the British actor Charlotte Gainsborough.  Gainsborough is understandably freaked out about the approaching planet Melancholia which will crash into the Earth destroying everything.  Dunst doesn't really seem to care about all of this because she is depressed about her personal situation.

I'm not exactly sure what the point of this film is however it kept me watching just to see everything get pulverized..

130 minutes.

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