Wednesday, September 21, 2011

1947 - 13 RUE MADELINE, good and exciting World War II spy thriller.

James Cagney is the head of a World War II espionage group tracking down the location of  V2 rocket launchers while simultaneously dealing with a clever Nazi double agent.

Henry Hathaway one of Fox's best in house directors filmed in the same semi documentary style that he used for The House on 92nd Street which means lots of on location filming.  Hathaway had the benefit of having Cagney a powerful actor to really whip the story into shape.

This is old style Hollywood storytelling of the highest order, with clever plotting and exciting action sequences.  Although the on location filming isn't probably as fresh as it was back in the 1940's, it does give the film a lot of verisimilitude.

13 Rue Madeline is a film that isn't afraid to embrace it's realistic and downbeat ending something you don't see in a lot of films today.

95 minutes.

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