Tuesday, June 28, 2011

1953 - NIAGARA , interesting thriller with strong scenic backgrounds

At everyone's favorite 1950's honeymoon spot Niagara Falls, Marilyn Monroe perfectly cast as a trampy ex-waitress, is married to crazy Korean war vet, Joseph Cotton.  She's decided to kill him and run off with her lover.  Another couple, Jean Peters, who in real life was once married to Howard Hughes, and her goofy husband Casey Adams are dragged into Monroe and Cotton's marital issues.

The director is Henry Hathaway and the producer is Charles Brackett.  They may not exactly have the Hitchcock touch, but this is a very effective thriller.  Hathaway was always the no nonsense studio craftsman so I doubt he put up with a lot of Marilyn Monroe's movie star behavior.  She gives a very good performance as a very nasty person that doesn't completely involve her showing off her chest for a change.

Obviously the attraction in Niagara was Monroe running around in low cut and tight outfits, but the on location filming around Niagara falls is very impressive.  The filmmakers have really captured the sense of place of the Falls in all it's tacky 1950's honeymooning glory. 

Again, very well made.

92 minutes.

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