Sunday, February 20, 2011

1999 - eXistenZ, David Cronenberg's follow up to Videodrome.

Very weird science fiction from David Cronenberg it picks up where he left off with his theme of technology literally merging with a human body.  A video game developed by Allegra Geller is the latest in gaming technology, it completely immerses the player into the gaming experience.  A group called the "Realists" are attempting to stop this emerging technology and kill her.

Cronenberg gets to pursue his usual fascination of having icky living things infecting the body and transforming it.   Cronenberg went down this road one before with James Woods and creepy blond Deborah Harry in Videodrome.  This time he has Jud Law and creepy blond Jennifer Jason Leigh going through the same motions.  Both of these films are very well acted.

Videodrome was a ground breaking science fiction film, eXistenZ is a little less this time but it's still very interesting.  Besides the weird body merge technology thing and the slimy creatures that are featured throughout this film.   Cronenberg also has the multiple realities inside realities thing going on that Inception got all of the credit for last year.  Thinking it over now, this was a very engrossing film.

"I'm feeling a little disconnected from my real life. I'm kinda losing touch with the texture of it. You know what I mean? I actually think there is an element of psychosis involved here"

97 minutes.

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