Saturday, April 11, 2009


Ridiculous macho fantasy bullshit well directed by a woman, Kathryn Bigelow, which only proves that women can play at the same game of making stupid action movies that their male counterparts have been doing for years Keanu Reeves plays FBI agent Johnny Utah on the trail of some surfers, robbing banks to finance their surfing lifestyle. Patrick Swayze is Bodhi the mystical head of the surfer/bank robber group. Keanu goes undercover to catch the gang in action with the help of his partner Gary Busey playing agent Angelo Pappas. The names of these characters kill me. Anyway, they give Keanu a girlfriend played by the actress Lori Petty, before she turned into a complete freak later in her career. But, she is basically the movie "beard" for Johnny Utah and Bodhi, because the love story is really about the two guys. If the filmmakers had any guts at all they would have included a love scene between them. The action scenes are well done if rather ridiculous, the most goofy has to be the skydiving sequence between Johnny Utah and Bodhi. Loaded with cliches, the film is enjoyable as an example of complete junk filmed with high technical skill.

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