Wednesday, March 4, 2009

2006 - PETER AND THE WOLF, 1999 - THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA, 2 short animated films

Viewed a couple of short films last week:

PETER AND THE WOLF: A short film that won the Academy award in 2006, but don't hold that against it. Filmed in the stop motion animation process that is usually associated with Ray Harryhausen and is basically considered a dead technique these days. The film uses Prokofiev's score and generally follows the story. This is a very well made film. The stop motion actually brings the characters to life, unlike WALL-E where the human character design seemed to be the weakest part of the film. This film was written and directed by Suzie Templeton.

 32 minutes.

THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA: Hemingway's most overrated story won him the Nobel prize for literature. This was also an Academy Award winner in 1999. Apparently it was animated using glass panels painted with pastels. It has a unique look to it. The filmmaker was Aleksandr Petrov.

 20 minutes.

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