One of the finest films about the Korean War. The Bridges at Toko-Ri was closely based on the short novel by James Michener. Michener had been a reporter on a navel task force flying bombing runs against the North Koreans. He created his characters who were actual pilots and officers he had met during this time. In fact the last part of this film follows the fate of the actual helicopter rescue of a downed navy pilot.
This is an excellent studio production. The producers William Perlberg and George Seaton put together a good cast starting with William Holden as the navy pilot with serious questions about what the United States was doing with it's involvement in Korea. Frederic March is Holden's commanding officer, Grace Kelly has a small role as Holden's wife.
The film also for a change a restrained Mickey Rooney as a helicopter rescue pilot. Character actor Earl Holliman was his co-pilot. Another veteran character actor Charles McGraw is Holden's squadron leader. This is one of the very underrated McGraw's best films. Charles McGraw also had a memorial role in the classic The Narrow Margin.
The navy cooperated with the producers so a good portion of the film was shot on actual carriers. The rumor is that Holden learned how to taxi a fighter jet down the carrier's runway. One of the most interesting things about this film is the subtle antiwar theme that is carefully woven through out the film. The navy may have been good about providing ships for this production but they certainty didn't read the script carefully. This film does not have the usual "rah rah" feel good war movie ending.
The film was written by Valentine Davis, the running time is 102 minutes.