Sunday, August 4, 2024

1998 - MERCURY RISING, pretty bad

Ludicrous doesn't even even begin to describe this typical Bruce Willis action thriller.  If seems the NSA has developed a code that is so powerful no enemy agents can break it. For some reason a couple of NSA nerd clerks stick the solution to the code in a puzzle book.  The parents of an autistic savant kid buy him a copy of the puzzle book who of course solves the code and this in turn leads to the murder of his parents by evil NSA agents.   To the rescue is FBI agent Bruce Willis who has to protect the boy and track down the bad guys.

If the plan was to attempt something a little different plot wise in what eventually ends up being a typical Bruce Willis shoot em up,  the writers and director certainly succeeded.  The story is so ridiculous that every plot twist makes this narrative even more stupid.  Frankly the whole kid with autism plot line seems in really poor taste.


Needless to say Mercury Rising did not exactly get good reviews by the critics, Bruce Willis won one of those dumb "Golden Raspberry Awards."  The whole comes down to another "what were they thinking?" movie.

The screenplay was by Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal, the running time is 111 minutes.

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