Friday, May 17, 2024

2024 - HUNDREDS OF BEAVERS, funny slapstick comedy

Reviewers smarter than me have pointed out that the film Hundreds of Beavers is essentially a cross between a Warner Brothers Road  Runner cartoon and a Karel Zeman film. It's beavers vs man in a duel to the death.

The film is certainly cleverly made with animation mixed in with special effects and filmed in black and white which emphasizes the fantastic nature of the film.  The gags have been carefully worked out and the final frantic chase is extremely well done.  The film has virtually no dialog and is almost a throwback to the Buster Keaton, Harold Loyd days of silent film making

My only issue with this film is that it is a little long and probably could have used some editorial tightening up. At times all the clever slapstick gets to be a little exhausting.  Still this is an impressive technical achievement considering the extremely low budget the film was made for.


It will be interesting to see what these filmmakers come up with next but I shudder to think how much time they must have spent rendering these special effects scenes to achieve this result.  The film is available on streaming platforms and is playing in select theaters.

The film was written by Mike Cheslik and the lead performer Ryland Brickson Cole Tews.  The running time is 108 minutes.

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