Friday, October 21, 2022

1994 - ROADRACERS, from the Rebel Highway series

 Roadracers involves a greasy haired hot rod driver racing around a small town while being harassed by the local sheriff. The sheriff has a son who is basically a juvenile delinquent who is also the antagonist of the hot rod driver.  It all comes to a head one night and in a violent showdown.

 The roadracer is played by David Arquette an actor usually known for playing goof balls on TV shows and in films.  Arquette improbably has a hot Hispanic girlfriend played by Salma Hayek.  Perennial character actor villain William Sadler is the sheriff and you can throw in a cameo by actor Kevin McCarthy watching himself in The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers.


The film was directed by Robert Rodriguez in that frenzied manner he brought to his debut film El Maricachi.  This attempt at making a B-movie generally succeeds.  Coming from a background of making a film for next to no budget Rodriguez probably was probably in heaven with a budget of around one million dollars.  


The whole point of these Rebel Highway films was to make them on the cheap and to replicate the AIP exploitation films. Although I am only two films into this series this seems the most successful so far.

Written by Rodriguez and  Tommy Nix, the running time is 95 minutes.

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