Monday, February 6, 2012

1986 - PEKING OPERA BLUES, action comedy from Tsui Hark is a masterpiece of entertainment

Another highly entertaining film from Tsui Hark frequently called the Steven Spielberg of Hong Kong although you could make a pretty good argument that it should be the other way around.

The film is unusual in that it has three women as the leads.  Most interesting is the presence of Brigitte Lin a woman who frequently played androgynous roles in Hong Kong cinema. 

This is Tsui Hark in the prime of his box office period perfectly combining his action style with some broad farcical comedy.  Peking Opera Blues was a big success for him.

I am deliberately avoiding discussing the plot to this film or any details of Peking Opera Blues, this is one of the top films coming out of Hong Kong cinema in the 1980's from a master filmmaker. 

104 minutes.

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