Wednesday, January 28, 2009

1944 - COBRA WOMAN Starring Maria Montez "When I look at myself, I am so beautiful I scream with joy!"

STRANGE LOVES, UNBELIEVABLE ADVENTURES in the SOUTH SEAS! EXOTIC LOVE! featuring the Stars of "Arabian Nights" TOLLEA! TEMPTRESS OF TERROR! Gorgeous, glorious adventure romance in a pagan paradise !

The quote in the header is supposedly from Maria Montez after she saw herself on screen. Supposedly a "camp classic". But is it anymore stupid than 2008's Indiana Jones meets Space Ghost, or the Kinda Incredible Hulk?  Both of which I sat through this summer.

The young lovers are torn apart on their wedding day when on a beautiful south seas island the bride is kidnapped by members of the cobra cult. It seems that the bride is actually descended from royalty and has a very evil twin sister who resides on Cobra Island. Here her evil twin, rules in terror. As an appeasement to the "fire gods" which is a model volcano, the evil sister dances around her subjects choosing sacrificial victims like she was picking people for her grade school dodge ball team. She wears some sort of glittery snake dress outfit while she struts her stuff, all very cool.

Our hero sails to the rescue of the nice twin sister along with help from his sidekick Sabu, who is armed with a lethal blow gun. The action really doesn't let up for the entire running time of the film.

This movie is only 70 minutes, written by Richard Brooks and Gene Lewis.

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