Monday, June 17, 2024

2011 - CARNAGE, a black and funny chamber comedy

Carnage the film is based on a play by Yasmina Reza called "God Of Carnage: in the theater.   It is a very black comedy.  After an altercation by two grade school children results in one child losing some teeth, the parents of the respective boys meet to discuss the consequences, let the fun begin.

As they attempt to iron out the problems between the two children it's safe to say that decorum breaks down as the accusations of blame fly left and right.  The nastiness between the two couples and at times the men between the women is highly amusing.

This film has an excellent cast, Jodie Foster and John C. Reilly are the parents of the injured child. Kate Winslet and Christoph Waltz are the other parents.  Foster had been focusing her career on directing but she was always a talented actor and gave a great performance as a reasonable person who slowly descends into anger and incrimination.

Kate Winslet has always been a "go for it actor," and she certainly went for it in this film.  John C. Riley is good as Foster's kind of dopey husband and Christoph Waltz as the checked out husband of Winslet is amusing as the the only one who sort of has a clue about the situation between the two boys even though he is basically a misogynist and kind of a jerk.

Roman Polanski in his late 70's directed and you can see what appealed to this guy with this play. He has always had a fairly dark view of the human race and this story certainly fits the bill for him.  Carnage is essentially a four character play set in an apartment, but Polanski knows how to photograph the story in such a way that is visually interesting.

The screenplay was by Polanski and Yasmina Reza, the running time is 80 minutes. 

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