Sunday, November 19, 2023

1985 - ZONE TROOPERS, it's space aliens vs Nazis

Prepare yourself for this goofy film.  A platoon of American soldiers trapped behind enemy lines during World War II find themselves encountering a space alien being held prisoner by some Nazis. The Nazis are attempting to exploit the alien technology for their own nefarious ends in order to win World War II.

Character actor Tim Thomerson is the tough American sergeant named Sarge naturally.  The film has the green kid, the old timer and a war correspondent just so all the cliched soldier bases are covered.  There's lots of mowing down Nazis with machine guns and the final battle features the space aliens and American soldiers taking on the Nazis with laser guns.


Clearly none of this was to be taken very seriously and the budget for the film was obviously low as befits such a ridiculous premise.  The writers and director of this film had enough sense to play this film as a joke even though it's supposed to be sort of serious.  


Zone Troopers was a Charles Band company production under the name of Empire Pictures. They specialized in low budget horror films for the most part.  They were behind such film classics such as Trancers, Meridian: Kiss Of The Beast and Dollman vs. Demonic Toys to name a few. These cheapo films graced the shelves of many a VHS rental store in the 1980's when all of the good stuff was rented.  Nowadays these kinds of films with their ridiculous plots would be big budget entertainments from the major film studios.

 Written by Danny Bilson and Paul De Meo, the running time is 86 minutes.

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