Thursday, December 22, 2022

1933 - LA LLORONA, aka The Crying Woman

A very early horror film from Mexico based on the legend of a woman who murdered her child after being abandoned by his father.  She in turn kills herself and becomes a ghost who haunts a family and attempts to murder their child.

This is a fascinating film for the most part.  La Llorona does a good job of creating a genuinely eerie mood for the most part.  The acting isn't to bad for an early sound film and the plot while using a lot of the horror and mystery tropes that were to become standard stuff in the horror genre is interesting.

The film was completely a Mexican production and at the time was highly praised by the Mexican critics at the time of it's release.


The film was written by Carlos Noriega Hope and Fernando de Fuentes. The running time is 73 minutes.

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