Monday, February 22, 2021

1946 - THE BIG SLEEP, the classic Hollywood mystery

A Raymond Chandler mystery so entertaining that anyone watching this film and trying to follow the plot will have their hands full.  The film is so confusing it has a murder in it that is unaccounted for.

This was the second teaming of Howard Hawks, Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall.  Bacall's career was in trouble after appearing in a picture called Confidential Agent which turned out to be a real stinker.  Hooking up with Hawks and Bogart again turned out to be a very smooth move on the part of her agent.


Hawks is at his peak period here, directing actors and getting the best out of them.  Bogart has another career defining role as detective Phillip Marlowe who is as good with a wise crack as a gun.  Besides Bacall who is at her sultry best as Vivian Rutledge there is a nymphomaniac sister Carmen, played by Martha Vickers who is very good but had her part cut down to emphasize Bacall. 

Mention should be made of the actor Charles Waldron playing the father of Bacall and Vickers.  It's a short part but really memorable.

Hawks did a good job putting this film together but it doesn't hurt to have three top screenwriters, William Faulkner, Leigh Brackett and Jules Furthman working on your screenplay.  The film runs 114 minutes.

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