Monday, January 18, 2021

2011 - PINA, a well done film about dance

I suppose it anyone was going to make a film about a German choreographer names Pina Bausch and make it interesting it would be Wim Wenders.  Pina Bausch died before Wenders shot this film and her dance company had to persuade Wenders to finish the film.

What we have in this film are several very interesting and good dance pieces. In between the dancing Wenders has the dancers speak about Pina Bausch. However it's a voice over narration instead of the usual talking head stuff.


Gene Kelly had tried unsuccessfully to make a film about dance called Invitation To The Dance but couldn't pull it off.  Wenders on the other hand has carefully thought out how to photograph the dancing in this film and it comes out very well.


The film was written by Wim Wenders and runs 106 minutes.

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